JAKARTA - Good news for writers and intellectuals in Indonesia. Living in a world of ideas, no longer have to be modest or poor.

One of the founders of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), Satrio Aris Munandar, assessed that those who chose to live in the intellectual world were known to have chosen the ascetic path, namely a path that did not care about material life and worldly wealth.

According to him, in the past, the intellectual world was a world that was only concerned with reason and spiritual wealth. One of them is the intellectual figure Denny JA.

"Denny JA rebelled against this tradition. For him, being an intellectual, writer and opinion maker would be more perfect if he was also rich," said Satrio in a statement received, Thursday, January 7.

According to Satrio, Denny JA has grown into a unique intellectual 'species'. On the one hand, he has been productive and has written 57 book titles ranging from democracy, political marketing, literature to religion.

"Being very rich, the intellectual can finance his own work. He has a lot of free time to work because he no longer has to work. And he can also be generous, helping to grow the scientific tradition," he continued.

Denny JA also popularized the meme tradition, producing dozens of animated videos. He also writes in world academic journals, which to be published there must first go beyond the reviews of international academics. At the same time, Denny also has dozens of businesses in property, mining, food and beverage, hotels, convenience stores, and political consulting firms. From reliable sources, there was news that Denny JA's assets were around IDR1 trillion.

"Denny JA brings a new tradition in the world of Indonesian writers, namely the advent of the entrepreneurial writer era," continued Satrio.

According to Satrio, Denny JA first put forward the intellectual idea of Entrepreneur in public when he wrote in Djohan Effendi's 70th book, 2009.

Djohan Effendi is known to be one of the initiators of Islamic reform besides Nurcholish Madjid, Abdurahman Wahid, and Ahmad Wahib. Djohan was also a minister when Gus Dur was president.

Known for living a very modest life, Djohan Effendi has continued the tradition of intellectual ascetics. “I admire Djohan Effendi's tradition of modest life. But I consciously chose a different life path, ”said Denny JA in Djohan Effendi's 70 years book.

Denny JA didn't just write down his ideas. He also gave an example. Besides being productive in writing, Denny is also productive in the business world. Now Denny JA will also be remembered for carrying on the tradition of entrepreneurial writers. History will record him as the first Indonesian writer whose wealth exceeds one trillion rupiah.

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