JAKARTA - World leaders and diplomats have issued a strong condemnation of the rioters who stormed the Capitol Building in Washington DC, United States (US). Some urged President Donald Trump to end the violence.

On Thursday, January 7, Trump supporters broke into the Capitol Building and a woman was shot when the protests got out of hand. The rioting disrupted the vote count of Congressional elections to certify US President-elect Joe Biden's victory. Biden will take over the presidency later this month.

Violence erupted after Trump spoke to protesters to reiterate his false claim that he won US elections in November. World leaders reacted with concern, describing the chaos as shocking and embarrassing.

"Canadians are deeply disturbed and saddened by the attacks on democracy in the United States, our closest allies and neighbors," said Canadian Prime Minister (PM) Justin Trudeau. "Violence will never succeed in overriding the people's will. Democracy in the US must be upheld and it will happen."

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison condemned the violence which he described as `` devastating ''. Lewan her Twitter account, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern said "What happened was wrong. Democracy - the right of people to vote, have their voice heard and then have a peacefully enforced decision cannot be overturned by the masses."

Some leaders hold the US President personally responsible for the mess and are demanding he resolve it. "What we are now seeing from Washington is a completely unacceptable attack on democracy in the United States. President Trump is responsible for stopping this. The image is terrifying, that this is the United States," said Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

"President Trump and several members of Congress bear great responsibility for developments," said Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. "The democratic electoral process must be respected."

"The shocking and deeply sad scene in Washington DC, we have to say it for what it is: a deliberate attack on Democracy by the sitting President and his supporters, trying to cancel free and fair elections! The world is watching! We hope for a restoration of calm, "said Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney.

Dutch PM Mark Rutte speaks directly to Trump. "Horrible images from Washington DC Dear Donald Trump, know Joe Biden as the next president today."

Top diplomats and leaders in Iceland, France, Austria, Poland, Ecuador, Colombia and Scotland reminded the US of its role as a model for democracy in the world. They expressed disbelief over the violation of the US Capitol. The building was first overrun by rioters during a British offensive during the War of 1812, according to Samuel Holliday, director of scholarships and operations with the US Capitol Historical Society.

"This is not America," said European Union High Representative Josep Borrell, describing the mob's actions as "an invisible assault on US democracy, its institutions and the rule of law."

"The United States represents democracy throughout the world," British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote on Twitter. "The US Congress is a temple of democracy. Watching this scene tonight at #WashingtonDC was shocking," said Council of Europe President Charles Michel.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged Americans to respect the results of the presidential election taking place in November 2020. A call echoed by European Parliament President David Sassoli, added, "We are confident the US will ensure that the rules of democracy are protected."

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, also said "I believe in the strength of US institutions and democracy. A peaceful transfer of power is at the core. Joe Biden won the election. I look forward to working with him as the next US President," he said.

Several countries warned their citizens in the US to be careful with such violence. "On January 6, there were mass protests in DC, and the local government has declared an emergency curfew," the Chinese Embassy to the US said in a statement, warning citizens to pay attention to the situation and remain vigilant.

Several foreign governments, including Turkey, have also warned their citizens to be aware of the potential for further violence. "We believe that the US will resolve this domestic political crisis in a mature manner. We recommend that our citizens in the US stay away from places where crowds are held and where demonstrations are being held," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

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