JAKARTA - The trial to validate the results of the US Presidential Election has finally resumed after Trump supporters rioted. The United States congress resumes at 8 p.m. local time, reported by Reuters on Thursday, January 7.

President of the US Senate who is concurrently Vice President Mike Pence as chairman of the trial said that the troublemakers on Capitol Hill did not succeed in winning. He appealed to go back to work.

"Let's go back to work. We will validate the winners of the 2020 elections, "he said.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser also enforced a citywide curfew, which took effect from 6pm. In anticipation of a riot, the National Guard, FBI, and Secret Service were ordered to assist the DC police. They are assigned to keep the Capitol Hill Building safe.

“This is how the election results are debated in the banana republic, not our democratic republic. I am shocked by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election, "quipped former President George W. Bush.

For information, Donald Trump's supporters messed up by forcing their way into the Capitol Hill Building. They even damaged several parts of the building. One of the protesters also reportedly took the Senate stage and chanted his support for Trump.

"Trump won the election," shouted the supporter.

The masses also had time to overturn the barricades and fight against the police in the action.

"The rioters used irritating chemicals to attack the police. Several policemen were injured and one civilian was shot," said Washington Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee.

Based on a report by the US Capitol Historical Society, the actions of Trump sympathizers became the worst damage to the Capitol Hill building since British troops damaged the building in 1814.

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