JAKARTA - The police are holding a reconstruction of the Novel Baswedan watering case whose files are deemed by the public prosecutor (JPU) to be incomplete. However, Novel was not involved in re-creating the scene, even though it was not far from the location.

The reconstruction was carried out at Jalan Deposito T8, RT 03/10, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, or to be precise in front of Novel Baswedan's house, Friday, February 7. Dozens of police officers had gathered around 03.00 WIB to start reconstructing the scene.

It's just that, the reconstruction of this case seems to be carried out behind closed doors. Local residents and journalists were asked to stay away about 100 meters from the scene recreating the scene. Meanwhile, from a distance, only a few investigators were seen holding files and two suspects, RB and RM. However, Novel Baswedan does not appear to be the victim in the case of sprinkling the chemical liquid.

Several hours passed, the scene recreations were finally complete. Deputy Director of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Dedy Murti gave a statement. About 10 scenes were performed by the two suspects. However, it was not explained what scenes were performed.

In addition, Novel was not involved in the reconstruction, because it was said that the senior KPK investigator was abroad. This was based on a letter sent by his legal team to investigators.

The atmosphere of reconstruction (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

"We received information from one of his attorneys who stated that he was in Singapore," said Dedy in Jakarta, Friday, February 7.

The absence of Novel does not mean that reconstruction to complete case files is postponed or not carried out. By using a substitute role, investigators continue to carry out these activities. This is because the case file has a time limit to immediately be transferred to the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

However, in the middle of a scene re-enactment, Novel Baswedan emerged from his house. The investigator and the prosecutor immediately coordinated with him about reconstruction using a substitute role.

The novel's presence in his house is in contrast to the contents of the letter sent by his attorney. So, later investigators will coordinate further with Novel's attorney regarding this matter.

"Later in the process, we will communicate it again with the attorney. Is the information conveyed (about Novel in Singapore), the previous information is meant or is just about to leave. Maybe it is just being discussed," said Dedy.

Novel said

Then, shortly after the police gave their statement, Novel spoke up about not being involved during the Reconstruction. Health problems which are the reason he was not involved as a victim in the re-scene.

The condition of his left eye got worse. In fact, at this time he could no longer see. This is due to excessive activity. Especially, during the investigation process at Polda Metro Jaya some time ago. For that reason, it was decided not to participate in the reconstruction.

"I was not allowed to have a lot of activity in the left eye, and finally in the previous examination processes by the investigator, until that night, as a result my left eye was permanently unable to see anymore," said Novel.

Another reason that Novel did not participate in the reconstruction was because in the reconstruction process, investigators used a bright enough spotlight. Meanwhile, for the senior KPK investigator, bright light is his enemy with his current eye condition.

KPK investigator Novel Baswedan (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

Moreover, with the damage to the left eye, then, he had to take care of the condition of his last eye even more. "When using light and it is dangerous for my health, I say I can't follow. I think it's that simple," said Novel.

The effort to complete the watering case file against Novel Baswedan was carried out after the DKI Jakarta High Court (Kejati) returned it to investigators on Tuesday, January 28. The return of the files was said to be due to the incomplete formal and material requirements of the suspect with the initials RK.

For your information, this case involved two suspects, namely RM and RB. Currently, they are being held at the Bareskrim Detention Center for the Police. They have been detained for 20 days since 27 December. While waiting for the files to be deemed complete by the prosecutor's office, their detention periods will be extended for another 40 days.

The suspect in the case of pouring hard water on Novel was revealed at the end of December. One of the suspects stated that the hard water sprinkling was done because Novel was considered a traitor. Novel was attacked on April 11, 2017, while walking towards his residence after performing the Fajr prayer at the Al Ihsan Mosque, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

As a result of the splash of hard water, Novel's eyes were badly injured. He had eye surgery in Singapore. After the attack, various attempts were made to catch the sprinkler. However, at that time the police admitted that it was difficult to catch the perpetrator or mastermind behind the attack on Novel Baswedan.

The National Police even formed a Joint Fact Finding Team (TGPF) to reveal the perpetrators of the sprinkling of hard water. Not only that, they also had time to open a hotline so that people who knew about the attack could report to the police. Apart from that, the police also distributed sketches of the faces of the alleged perpetrators of the Novel Baswedan attack.

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