SURABAYA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conducted a review of the prices of basic commodities at Wonokromo Market in Surabaya, East Java, Saturday, February 18. On this occasion, the number one person in Indonesia also distributed basic necessities and t-shirts to the community.

This was enthusiastically welcomed by the people of Surabaya who were around the market. In fact, some are willing to go up to the road divider fence to see President Jokowi.

There are also those who shout to ask for groceries or t-shirts from President Jokowi.

"Pak Jokowi, Pak Jokowi, I can't get it yet, sir... here, sir," said one resident shouting, as quoted from Antara.

The Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) helped distribute t-shirts to residents who had been waiting for the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia outside the market. Not only residents around the market, road users and online motorcycle taxi drivers were also given t-shirts and food parcels with the words "Assistance of the President of the Republic of Indonesia".

Monitoring from ANTARA at the location, a number of residents who were across the street from the market and climbed the road divider fence to greet and ask for help and the t-shirt.

Meanwhile, one of the residents of Surabaya named Nur was very happy to meet the president in person. "I'm very happy, I finally got to meet Mr. Jokowi in person, this is the first time I've seen it firsthand," he said.

Not only that, the woman who lives in Dinoyo, Surabaya also expressed her gratitude for the provision of basic necessities and t-shirts from President Jokowi.

"Alhamdulillah, it is very nice for him to have provided basic necessities for me and my brother. Pak Jokowi is friendly, kind again," he said.

Besides Nur, another resident named Uripah also received basic necessities containing the rice, sugar, oil, and tea. "The jostling had fallen too, fortunately, the Paspampres called me and continued to give me this basic necessities," he said.

In line with Nur, the resident who lives in Panjang Jiwo also met President Jokowi for the first time.

"I'm very happy to be able to see it firsthand even from afar, because people are pressing it," he said.

Previously, President Jokowi visited the Wonokromo Traditional Market to review the prices of basic goods sold in the market managed by the Surabaya City Government. Security around the market since this morning has been tightened by the ranks of TNI/Polri personnel.

Officers who participated in the apple were equipped with long-barreled weapons, besides that several tactical vehicles and patrols were alerted to circle around the market.

After the apple, the officers were deployed to provide security at a number of predetermined points, starting from the entrance, road access to the market, to the booths of the traders.

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