JAKARTA - The blusukan strategy carried out by the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini is considered ineffective for residents of DKI Jakarta. If that is a political maneuver ahead of the upcoming DKI Jakarta Regional Election, 2022, then Risma is wrong.

Public Policy Observer, Trubus Rahadiansyah, said that Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had implemented this strategy when he was running as the Governor of DKI and the second term presidential candidate, to Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno. Unfortunately, many promises made when blusukan were not realized.

"Blusukan is like political marketing but in practice for Jakarta, the public doesn't believe it. The only business is PHP (False Hope Giver), only political promises, where is the realization of blusukan? Rare," said Trubus when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, January 6th.

In DKI Jakarta, for example, the promise of a house with a down payment (DP) of Rp0 or the OkeOce program, which became the selling point for the Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno campaign while advancing in the DKI Pilkada. Or, continued Trubus, Jokowi's promise regarding the construction of the reservoir to the construction of culverts in anticipation of the Jakarta flood.

"If you just talk at the time of blusukan, that's fine, but where is the proof? Where is the realization? So if Risma wants to sell it doesn't sell, the moment is not right. The people of Jakarta don't believe it," he explained.

Trubus indicated that Risma's move was a political maneuver to welcome the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. Only the typical capital city residents are far different from Surabaya, which was once led by Risma as Mayor.

"He (Risma) imagines that Jakarta is the same as Surabaya, right? The small city (Surabaya), the capital city of the country, is far different, more complex," he explained.

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