YOGYAKARTA - Amnesty International (AI), an international non-governmental organization (NGO) was founded in London on May 28, 1961, which seeks to publicize violations by the government and other rights entities recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), particularly freedom of speech and conscience and rights to fight torture. Then what is amnesty International?

Amnesty International is actively seeking the release of political prisoners and aid, if necessary, their families. It also works with human rights agencies between governments to expand and uphold human rights protection in international law.

In 1977 AI was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. In the early 21st century, the organization consisted of national sections, or offices, in more than 50 countries and about three million individual members, donors, and activists affiliated with more than 150 countries and territories. The logo is a burning candle wrapped in barbed wire. The headquarters is in London.

The organization was founded through the main efforts of British lawyer Peter Benenson, who defended political prisoners in Hungary, South Africa, and Spain and who sought to establish a collective body for human rights progress. From 1961 to 1975 the chairman of AI was Semen MacBride, who was the recipient of the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize.

AI uncovers human rights abuses by governments, armed political groups, companies, and other non-state actors in newsletters, annual reports, and background papers. It relies heavily on the distribution of "adoptive groups" around the world, each of which, managed by three to eight people, handles a number of cases of conscience prisoners and attacks governments that violate with letters of protest until prisoners are released. Other activities include organizing demonstrations and guarding, sponsoring human rights education, and deploying petitions and online warnings.

The research department at London's AI headquarters is in contact with human rights activists and other interested parties around the world and provides information networks for all organizational publications and activities.

AI is governed by an international executive committee led by a chairman. Members of the executive committee were selected for a four-year term at the International Council's biennial meeting, consisting of representatives of all national sections. The organization's daily operations are overseen by an international secretariat led by a secretary general, appointed by the executive committee.

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