JAKARTA - Parahyangan University Criminal Law Expert, Agustinus Pohan highlighted Bharada E's supporters who packed the courtroom during the reading of the verdict at the South Jakarta District Court (Jaksel) Wednesday, February 15, yesterday.

He assessed the circulation of supporters who packed the courtroom, and even disrupted the proceedings, according to him, it was not procedurally justified.

"Indeed, it is not allowed, whatever the judge decides, there should be no pressure as if the decision is like this, if the decision is like this, then it should not be true, it will not be good later in other cases that can happen to anyone," Agustinus said when confirmed, Thursday, February 16.

Agustinus explained that the arrival of Bharada E supporters was considered a form of pressure on the proceedings of the trial process. It can even change the judge's decision to sentence the defendant Bharada E.

"This is what any trial must be freed from pressure. Any pressure, wants pressure from the authorities, wants pressure from the people. Especially if the pressure occurs in the courtroom, it is not allowed," he concluded.

For information, chaotic push-ups had colored the reading of Richard Karjangga's verdict, alias Bharada E, at the South Jakarta District Court, today. The fence dividing the main courtroom collapsed and the visitors' bench fell apart.

The collapse of the wooden guardrail began when supporters of Bharada E and reporters burst into the main courtroom.

Both parties preceded each other to be in the top position. That's when the situation became unfavorable.

The screams continued to be heard in the courtroom. Until finally, the wooden guardrail collapsed.

The same is the cause of the messy visitor seats. In fact, from several existing allowance seats, one of them to the overturned.

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