JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) has imposed a sanction of dismissal of Irwansyah from his position as Chairman of the West Coastal Bawaslu Regency, Lampung Province.
Irwansyah was proven to have violated the code of ethics of the election organizers (KEPP).
"“Imposing a sanction of dismissal from the position of chairman to Defendant Irwansyah as chairman and concurrently member of the West Coast Regency Bawaslu as of the time this decision was read out," said Chairman of the Panel of Ratna Dewi Pettalolo in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, February 15.
Irwansyah is defendant I in the case of alleged violation of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) Number 46-PKE-DKPP/XII/2022.
The Assembly assessed that the defendant I's action of issuing Letter Number 050/KP.01/K.LA-12/10/2022 regarding the establishment of the sub-district Panwaslu secretariat without going through plenary mechanisms that are not legally and ethically justified.
In addition, according to the Assembly, Defendant I's actions also issued Letter Number 050/KP.01/K.LA-12/10/2022 which contradicted the Decree of the Chairman of the General Elections Supervisory Agency Number 354/HK.01/K1/10/2022.
"The formation of the sub-district Panwaslu secretariat is the authority of the head of the secretariat/coordinator of the district/city Bawaslu secretariat not the authority of Defendant I as the Head of Bawaslu West Coast Regency," said Member of the Council I Dewa Kade Wiarsa Raka Sandi.
He said that Letter Number 050/KP.01/K.LA-12/10/2022 was also issued without prior coordination with Ahmad Tambat, who was still the Coordinator of the Bawaslu Secretariat, West Coast Regency at that time.
"The action of Defendant I also has an impact on the relationship that is not harmonious between stakeholders, namely the West Coast Regency Bawaslu in the West Coast Regency Government cassu. Based on these considerations, Defendant I was proven to have violated the provisions in DKPP Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the code of ethics and code of conduct for election organizers," he said.
Meanwhile, Defendant III in the same case on behalf of Heri Kiswanto was given a Warning. Meanwhile, Defendant II on behalf of A Kodrat S was rehabilitated for not being proven to have violated the code of ethics of the election organizers.
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