The Aceh Health Service (Dinkes) appealed to parents in the westernmost province of Indonesia to continue to meet the complete basic immunization needs for children, as an effort to protect children from various infectious diseases. The implementation of basic immunizations until now is still continuing, because it is routine, but (the achievement of immunization) our routine is bad, so many diseases, said the Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division (P2P) of the Aceh Health Office Iman Cheapman quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 15. He explained, all districts/cities in Tanah Rencong still serve the fulfillment of complete basic immunization, targeting all babies in Aceh, as well as the target of realization every year can reach 90 percent. However, he continued, which is still a constraint on fulfilling this complete basis immunization is that there are still many parents who are afraid of being injected, because after being injected, we are afraid that children will have fever. The constraints to date our society is afraid (of their children) of being injected, because of fear of fever (after being injected immunization)," he said. For complete basic immunization includes, infants aged less than 24 hours are given Hepatitis B immunization (HB-0), age 1 month is given (BCG and Polio 1), age 2 months given DPT-HB-Hib 1 and Polio 2, age 3 months given DPT-HB-Hib 2 and Polio 3, age 4 months given DPT-HB-Hib 3, Polio 4 and IPV or Polyo injecting and given DPT-HB-Hib or pentabio 4 at the age of 1.5 years. Previously, parents were afraid of post-immunization incidents in children such as fever and other events, so they were reluctant to bring their child immunization to the full ground state, " said Iman.

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