JAKARTA - Recently, the term stock pom-pom has risen again after several public figures 'show off' their actions to invest in stock instruments. So what is a stock pom-pom?
Quoting from the investing.com page, Wednesday, January 6, pom-pom is an action taken by an individual or a group by inviting other people to buy or sell a stock at a certain time. This is very useful for increasing or decreasing prices quickly.
But keep in mind that not all of them are profitable, given that there are many people who buy or sell at different prices. This is of course very beneficial for people who already have lower share prices.
A number of well-known public figures or influencers have also enlivened and recommended the world of the capital market, especially stocks, on social media accounts, such as Raffi Ahmad and Ari Lasso, the son of President Joko Widodo Kaesang Pangarep to Ustadz Yusuf Mansur.
Raffi, in his Instagram upload @ raffinagita1717, admitted that it was the first time he invested his money in stocks. He immediately shared his experiences with his followers on Instagram.
"This is my first time learning and I am sharing with you so that you can increase your fortune in 2021," wrote Raffi in his caption.
This 33-year-old man said that he already owned shares of PT M Cash Integration Tbk (MCAS) in the past two or three weeks. Since he bought MCAS shares, the price has skyrocketed 20 percent to 30 percent.
The same is the case with President Jokowi's youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep. In a tweet on his Twitter account @kaesangp, this 26-year-old man shared several pictures showing the increase in the shares of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS) and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM).
The preacher Yusuf Mansur also enlivened the capital market on his social media. He has posted several times about the shares of BUMN Pharmacy, PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF).
Recently, he has also recommended shares of a state-owned construction company, namely PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT).
And at the beginning of 2021, amidst widespread news about Indonesia being an investment place for electric cars, Yusuf Mansur uploaded a photo containing the performance of mining issuer PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. He also recommended that his followers buy the shares of the issuer coded INCO.
The Indonesian Stock Exchange also gave its response regarding this phenomenon. IDX Director of Trade and Member Assessment Laksono Widodo when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, January 5, said that his party would invite Raffi and Ari Lasso to have a discussion.
He actually welcomed Raffi and Ari's initiative to invite people to invest. However, he reminded the two public figures that they have a big moral responsibility as influencers.
"However, it is also necessary to remind them of their moral responsibility for their followers and the potential for potential lawsuits from their followers if anyone can be disappointed," said Laksono.
Meanwhile, when asked about other public figures, in this case Kaesang Pangarep, Laksono said, the same was true for the youngest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). According to him, Kaesang will also be invited to discuss the recommendations of Sangmology, which has become his jargon on Twitter.
"Invitation to discussion applies to all influencers," said Laksono.
Binaartha Sekuritas analyst M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama said there was nothing wrong with what influencers were doing. According to him, the actions of Kaesang and other influencers were more towards education.
"Kaesang is like that so that the public is aware that the capital market in Indonesia is still very potential for investment," he said.
Insider TradingThere are some people who think that what influencers do, especially Kaesang, is a form of insider trading. What is insider trading?
"The term insider trading, for example like this, there is an employee of the company or an outside party, he knows that there is a corporate action or something that causes the company to increase its share price. Then he uses the information for personal gain. referred to as insider information, "IDX President Director, Inarno Djajadi in his presentation Thursday, December 17, 2020.
According to Inarno, insider trading provides information only to the group, and not through social media.
"If the insider's information is not rumors outside, or updates to social media. Instead, they are secretly taking advantage of themselves. It must be distinguished," he said.
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