Dozens Of Employees In One Of The Bintaro Area Hospitals Only Paid IDR 300 Thousand Per Month

TANGERANG - Dozens of workers in one of the hospitals in the Bintaro area will complain about their fate to the South Tangerang City Manpower Service (Disnaker). They reported on the injustice committed by the company that did not pay full wages.

The CD, one of the employees, said that the hospital paid its employees a salary of Rp500 in two months, since 2022.

"So the system is paid in installments," CD said when confirmed, Tuesday, February 14.

But some not recently, he got an unusual payment. Because he received Rp. 300 thousand.

"Lastly it was 300 thousand. Here it enters February 11, 2023, the clarity here is I don't know what month it is, but it contains 300 thousand," he said.

The CD admits that it has not been able to leave the hospital because the management will grant better rights in 2023.

"Premended by the management there will be progress in 2023, it turns out that it is a zonk. I am very disappointed," he said.

The same feeling as an employee with the initials BM. However, he did not dare to complain about what happened, because he did not know the applicable rules.

Because I don't know and I'm afraid to report. But I really need to be able to continue my life," he said.

The Mayor of South Tangerang, Benyamin Davnie, has spoken out regarding information on health workers (nakes) who have not received full rights.

He emphasized that he would conduct an evaluation regarding the hospital. He also revealed that it was possible that the permit from the hospital would be revoked.

"We will evaluate it if there is negligence. It depends on the level of error (permission will be revoked-ed), it is possible," said Benjamin.

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