Rumor has it that the former Regent of Batang Wihaji is reportedly paired with the youngest son of President Joko Widodo, Kaesang Pangarep in the 2024 Batang Regent and Deputy Regent Election. Responding to the news, Wihaji, who currently serves as the Daily Chair of the Central Java Golkar Regional Leadership Council in Batang, did not blame or justify the issue. "Just ask who made the issue. I'm durung (not yet, ed.) thinking about the regional elections because according to the direction of the General Chair of the Golkar Party Airlangga, we focus on selecting candidates for district/city DPRD, province, DPR RI, and the presidential election," he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 14. Wihaji is still focused on holding consolidation of several mass bases of the Golkar Party in Central Java to prepare for the general election for legislative candidates. "Regarding the issue of the news, please let the public check because I still enjoy being a people. What is even more, there is a state task that must be continued to build," he said. He said that his party targets his party to increase the acquisition of legislative seats in Central Java in the DPR RI Member Election, the election for provincial DPRD members, and the election for city/district DPRD members. "We are targeting all seats, both in the district/city DPRD, provinces, and the DPR RI, to increase. We are grateful to be able to win in Central Java. I think all political parties also have that target," he said. Wihaji instructed all his party's functions to come down to greet the public to answer the people's hopes and atmosphere of batiminity. "I am sure that at this time many people miss and miss the atmosphere of the leadership of the Golkar Party. Therefore, according to the results of the Golkar National Conference, his party will still nominate Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate," he said.

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