JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Vice President (Wapres) Masduki Baidlowi said that simultaneous injection of the COVID-19 vaccine to the public will be carried out after obtaining a fatwa from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). "The government will never vaccinate everyone in various regions, without any a fatwa from the MUI regarding the halalness of the vaccine, "said Masduki, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 5. The MUI Head of Information and Communication explained that currently a team from the MUI Food, Drug and Cosmetics Research Institute (LPPOM) is working to issue a fatwa. halal vaccine made by Sinovac, China. "If the BPOM works on how the vaccine is effective, its efficacy, if it is okay, then in parallel also friends from MUI will determine whether the vaccine is halal or not," he explained. Budi Gunadi Sadikin has also reported to the Vice President Ma'ruf Amin regarding the development of the COVID-19 vaccination preparation simultaneously. Ak. The Minister of Health also conveyed to the Vice President that the COVID-19 vaccination would be carried out after the MUI fatwa and emergency use authorization from the BPOM were issued. Current distribution of vaccines to a number of regions, said Masduki, is one of the preparatory steps for vaccination to run simultaneously when the permits from BPOM and MUI were issued. "The Minister of Health, when facing the Vice President, explained that vaccinations would be carried out simultaneously in various regions. But that in no way ignores the fatwa from the MUI, "said Masduki.

The COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac has arrived in Indonesia as many as 3 million doses, which were sent in two stages, namely 1.2 million doses on December 6, 2020 and 1.8 million doses on December 31, 2020. Until now, the Sinovac vaccine has arrived. in Banten (14,560 doses), Central Java (62,560 doses), Jambi (20,000 doses), West Sumatra (36,920 doses), South Sumatra (30,000 doses), Bengkulu (20,280 doses), North Kalimantan (10,680 doses), West Sulawesi ( 5,960 doses) and Papua (14,680 doses).

President Joko Widodo is scheduled to be vaccinated on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, along with a number of other government officials, said Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono.

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