The Firefighters (Damkar) of West Coast Regency, Lampung caught a three-meter-long King fire snake in a resident's house in Gang Simpur I Pekon Rawas, Pesisir Tengah District, West Coast Regency, Thursday, January 10. "Yesterday afternoon we received a report in Pekon Rawas Gang Simpur I that residents found a snake that was estimated to be King Goyang with a length of up to three meters," said Head of the Fire Prevention Section of the West Coast Satpol PP and Fire Department, Ramadhan Yusuf Arif in Krui, Antara, Friday, February 10. After that, the West Coast Fire Rescue team immediately went to the scene to catch and evacuate the snake. "We immediately went to the location after receiving information, residents gathered at a house. According to residents, the snake was in the house, but no resident dared to catch or kill the snake. We immediately took action to arrest and secure the snake with the help of a grabstick," he said. He said that after the Kingglobular snake was secured, officers took and released the snake to a place far from residential areas. "After the snake is successfully secured and put in a sack, assisted by residents, and then released to a location far from people's homes," he said. Due to the incident, one resident was worried that there would still be other 'dangerous' snakes roaming around. Arif appealed to residents to immediately report to the Fire Station if they found a venomous animal in their neighborhood. "Our officers have expertise and are ready to help evacuate venomous animals, such as snakes. Residents should not evacuate themselves, because they are very dangerous and can even threaten lives," he said.

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