BOYOLALI - The Boyolali District Health Office said people who took part in the second booster vaccination to increase immunity in this region decreased because people felt healthy and bored with vaccine programs.

"We acknowledge that the enthusiasm of the community for the second booster vaccination has indeed decreased, even the first booster dose is the same," said Head of the Boyolali District Health Office (Central Java) Puji Astuti as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 9.

According to Puji Astuti, only people who need a second booster vaccination when they leave. For example, people who want to go Umrah, go abroad or where on the way require booster vaccination as a condition.

However, people who carry out the second booster vaccination every day still exist and are quite good, because at the Puskesmas in 22 sub-districts in Boyolali the vaccine stock always runs out.

"The Boyolali Health Office some time ago received a small supply of vaccines, amounting to 2,600 doses which were divided into a number of Puskesmas, namely 25 Puskesmas. Health centers can vaccinate five people per day is extraordinary," he said.

He admitted that the availability of vaccines in Boyolali was not as abundant as it used to be during the pandemic, which as quickly as possible had to spend vaccine stocks on the community.

The Boyolali Health Office continues to encourage the public to complete vaccinations, both first and second boosters.

The first booster vaccination in Boyolali was recorded at 248,876 people or about 33.71 percent of the total target of 930,580 targets. The second booster vaccination was only 5,276 people, both for Health Office human resources, the elderly, public officers, vulnerable communities and pregnant women.

However, the Boyolali Health Office asked people who need a second booster vaccination to please come to the nearest Puskesmas.

He said that inevitably an increase in immunity must be done, so that it is strong in dealing with disease transmission after the lifting of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"People who carry out the first and second doses of vaccinations are not enough. So, the first booster vaccination must be carried out and now the second booster has started," he said.

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