The land of BUMBU - The Regent of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan Province, H M Zairullah Azhar targets the salary of the village head in his area to reach Rp. 7 million per month.
"This is done so that the performance and quality of services for the administration of village governments continues to improve. This means that village heads can focus on providing village-level government services without having to look for side jobs on the grounds that their salaries are not enough," said Zairullah in Batulicin, South Kalimantan, Antara, Thursday, February 9.
He said that currently the total income or salary received by the village head is Rp. 6 million per month, with details of the basic salary of Rp. 3.5 million and work allowances of Rp. 2.5 million.
Later, the basic salary will be increased by Rp. 1 million, so that the salaries and allowances received by the village head reach Rp. 7 million/month. The plan to increase the salary will be stated in the allocation of village funds (ADD) through changes to the 2023 APBD.
Head of the Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMD) Tanah Bumbu Samsir explained that the 2023 village fund allocation (ADD) currently reaches IDR 167 billion.
"If later the plan to increase the salary of the village head is realized, it is possible that the allocation of ADD will be higher," explained Samsir.
"The allocation of ADD is currently more realized in the social security of village heads, village officials in the form of health and labor guarantees, budgeting for activities/operational activities in order to build cooperation in legal consultations on village financial management and activities to create security and public order," he explained.
In addition, ADD is also focused on budgeting in support of regional priority activities, including village head elections, one village religious program, one mosque, village government administration to prepare for the development of village information systems, and capacity building village officials.
Also, building cooperation in assisting and consulting the management of the Village Budget and carrying out tasks that are the authority of the village.
Meanwhile, village funds in 2023 amounted to Rp118 billion, which among others was intended for the direct cash assistance program (BLT) as many as 5,683 beneficiaries amounting to Rp20 billion.
"We hope that with a large salary, village officials can provide the best service for the community. Moreover, village development is carried out in accordance with priority development," Samsir hoped.
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