YOGYAKARTA - Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) is one of the important data in everyone's tax documents. But not a few have experienced forgetting tax EFIN. If you experience such conditions, what should be done?

EFIN is an identity number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes to someone registered as a taxpayer via tax electronic transactions. EFIN is used for online DGT login. EFIN is required to report Annual Notification Letter (SPT) online.

Taxpayers can use EFIN for registration on the online DGT application site. EFIN has a life validity period. In addition, EFIN is also needed to reset passwords or e-mails on the online DGT website when reporting SPT or accessing other tax services.

If you forget the EFIN number, users cannot use tax services on the DGT website online. You can't even log in if you don't know the EFIN number. But you don't need to panic right away if you forget the tax EFIN. There is a way to fix it and get back the EFIN number.

Forgetting the EFIN number is often complained of by taxpayers when they will access tax services online. This condition will of course disrupt tax activities. Reporting from the official tax.go.id website, there are several ways that need to be done if you forget the tax EFIN or EFIN password.

Contacting KPP Official Number

Taxpayers can immediately call the official telephone number of the KPP Tax Service Office if they forget the EFIN number. You can find out the official KPP phone number where you are registered via the link www.pajak.go.id/unit-kerja.

Before contacting KPP, make sure you have prepared what you will say. Keep in mind that one phone call/WhatsApp call from taxpayers is only available for one tax EFIN forget service application. This provision is intended to prevent misuse of taxpayer EFIN codes.

When connected to KPP, officers will verify and require Proof of Record Ownership (PORO) data. This step is needed to ensure the authenticity or truth of the taxpayer concerned. This procedure is also carried out to protect the confidentiality of taxpayer data and prevent data misuse.

Check Online EFIN Through KPP Official E-Mail

Another way that can be taken by taxpayers who forget EFIN is by sending a letter or official e-mail to the KPP. One tax payer's email can only be used for one application for EFIN's forgetful service. As with the application for forgetting EFIN by telephone, applications via e-mail are also carried out with PORO procedures.

To apply for forgetting EFIN via email, there are a number of documents that need to be sent. Here are some documents that you have to send.

The documents will be checked by officers to adjust the data matching of the taxpayer reporting. The data will be matched to the DGT database. If the data is complete and appropriate, the officer will send an EFIN notification in the form of a PDF via email.

Send Messages Or DM Social Media Accounts KKP

In the digital era like today, you can also report forgetting EFIN via social media. You can send messages via direct message (DM) of the KPP social media account where taxpayers are registered. You can ask for information about how to request for EFIN services.

You can send KPP account messages on Instagram social media, Twitter, Facebook. The name of the tax social media account is uniform, namely @pajak (later followed by regional names), for example @pajaksemarang, @pajakbandung, @pajakmadiun, and others.

Even though you have sent DM to your KPP account, your application will not be processed immediately. Your EFIN code will not be notified immediately, given the PORO procedures implemented. From the DM, taxpayers will know information about the explanation of the required EFIN service. requirements, and steps.

Applications Through Tax Cring Agents

Applications for forgetting EFIN can also be made through the Tax Cring agent. But make sure before contacting him, taxpayers must prepare a number of registered data, names, NPWP, telephone numbers, addresses, and emails.

If you want to contact via Twitter, just mention once to get in line for the EFIN forgetful service. As for the phone service and live chat, you can access it during working hours from Monday-Friday at 08.00 to 16.00.

That's a review of how to overcome forgetting tax EFIN. If you experience this condition, you can do one of the ways above to get your EFIN number back.

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) is one of the important data in everyone's tax documents. But not a few who experience forgetting the tax EFIN. If you experience such conditions, what should be done?

EFIN is an identity number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes to someone registered as a taxpayer via tax electronic transactions. EFIN is used for online DGT login. EFIN is required to report Annual Notification Letter (SPT) online.

Taxpayers can use EFIN for registration on the online DGT application site. EFIN has a life validity period. In addition, EFIN is also needed to reset passwords or e-mails on the online DGT website when reporting SPT or accessing other tax services.

If you forget the EFIN number, users cannot use tax services on the DGT website online. You can't even log in if you don't know the EFIN number. But you don't need to panic right away if you forget the tax EFIN. There is a way to fix it and get back the EFIN number.

Forgetting the EFIN number is often complained of by taxpayers when they will access tax services online. This condition will of course disrupt tax activities. Reporting from the official tax.go.id website, there are several ways that need to be done if you forget the tax EFIN or EFIN password.

Taxpayers can immediately call the official telephone number of the KPP Tax Service Office if they forget the EFIN number. You can find out the official KPP phone number where you are registered via the link www.pajak.go.id/unit-kerja.

Before contacting KPP, make sure you have prepared what you will say. Keep in mind that one phone call/WhatsApp call from taxpayers is only available for one tax EFIN forget service application. This provision is intended to prevent misuse of taxpayer EFIN codes.

When connected to KPP, officers will verify and require Proof of Record Ownership (PORO) data. This step is needed to ensure the authenticity or truth of the taxpayer concerned. This procedure is also carried out to protect the confidentiality of taxpayer data and prevent data misuse.

Another way that can be taken by taxpayers who forget EFIN is by sending a letter or official e-mail to the KPP. One tax payer's email can only be used for one application for EFIN's forgetful service. As with the application for forgetting EFIN by telephone, applications via e-mail are also carried out with PORO procedures.

To apply for forgetting EFIN via email, there are a number of documents that need to be sent. Here are some documents that you have to send.

The documents will be checked by officers to adjust the data matching of the taxpayer reporting. The data will be matched to the DGT database. If the data is complete and appropriate, the officer will send an EFIN notification in the form of a PDF via email.

In the digital era like today, you can also report forgetting EFIN via social media. You can send messages via direct message (DM) of the KPP social media account where taxpayers are registered. You can ask for information about how to request for EFIN services.

You can send KPP account messages on Instagram social media, Twitter, Facebook. The name of the tax social media account is uniform, namely @pajak (later followed by regional names), for example @pajaksemarang, @pajakbandung, @pajakmadiun, and others.

Even though you have sent DM to your KPP account, your application will not be processed immediately. Your EFIN code will not be notified immediately, given the PORO procedures implemented. From the DM, taxpayers will know information about the explanation of the required EFIN service. requirements, and steps.

Applications for forgetting EFIN can also be made through the Tax Cring agent. But make sure before contacting him, taxpayers must prepare a number of registered data, names, NPWP, telephone numbers, addresses, and emails.

If you want to contact via Twitter, just mention once to get in line for the EFIN forgetful service. As for the phone service and live chat, you can access it during working hours from Monday-Friday at 08.00 to 16.00.

That's a review of how to overcome forgetting tax EFIN. If you experience this condition, you can do one of the ways above to get your EFIN number back.

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