The Kendari City Social Service (Dinsos) warned the public not to give money to street children and beggars in their area.

This is in accordance with Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 9 of 2014 which includes sanctions for violators.

"The regional regulation states that stop giving. We are all prohibited from giving to street children or beggars on the streets and at red lights," said Head of the Kendari City Social Service Rehabilitation Division Husni Mubaraq in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Wednesday, February 8, as reported by Antara.

In the regulation, it is clear that whoever gives or receives can be subject to criminal sanctions with a sentence of six months in prison or a fine of Rp. 500,000.

Husni also revealed that street children or beggars on the streets are generally aged 0-17 years, some are even in their 20s, even though they have received assistance from the government through their parents.

"Through the parents of street children or beggars, this program of direct assistance for fuel oil (BLT-BBM), even the non-cash food assistance program (BPNT), and the Family Hope Program (PKH)," he said.

Therefore, he said, the local city government is trying to overcome the problems of street children and beggars in Kendari City, among others by frequently conducting raids and providing education so that they do not do that.

"We always carry out raids, and we forbid them to do that, but once we go home, they return to their activities," he said.

Selain itu, kata Husni, pihaknya juga telah menindak beberapa anak jalan dan pengemis ini dengan menyerahkan mereka kepada instansi Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja setempat, tetapi hal itu juga belum menjadi efek jerah terhadap mereka.

"We arrested them and took them to the Satpol PP, we recorded them and confiscated their luggage. We arrested them, for example, during the day, later they were released. Actually, we knew they were used by unscrupulous persons," he said.

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