JAKARTA - The Masale Community or Masale Community supports the car free day (CFD) area on Jalan Boulevard, Makassar can be arranged like Malioboro, Yogyakarta.

"The arrangement of street vendors who sell their wares is to support the Boulevard area into Makassar's Malioboro," said Head of Makassar CFD Management, Muh Ilyas Kunta, Tuesday, February 7, quoted by Antara.

According to him, the high interest of MSMEs in the CFD Boulevard area during the weekend, it is necessary to immediately arrange for the convenience of the visitors. Especially those who do sports activities or relax while enjoying various snacks or culinary delights.

Departing from this, his party together with the CFD Boulevard coordinator initiated the mass community or Masale Community which was originally encouraged by local youth organizations.

The Makassar City Government has also given a signal of support to make the CFD Boulevard area a culinary location and a sports lover community.

Makassar Mayor H Ramdhan Pomanto said this was in line with the new tagline or branding of Makassar City as "Good Culinary City".

"Also encouraging the birth of MSMEs engaged in culinary or service at that location, which note will encourage economic growth in Makassar City," he said.

In this regard, he advised that cleanliness, order and comfort must be a priority so that the area can resemble the Malioboro area in Jogjakarta which can attract visitors and stimulate the tourism sector.

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