Trying Various Meals While Camping With A Natural Atmosphere In Lubana Sengkol Serpong
Lubana Sengkol Serpong Tangsel culinary center

JAKARTA - No longer need to travel far to Bogor or the City of Flowers, Bandung. If you are a culinary lover with a natural atmosphere, you can try the culinary center Lubana Sengkol, Serpong, South Tangerang.

Maybe Lubana Sengkol still sounds strange to some people. But of course, this culinary center offers the sensation of eating food in a natural atmosphere.

Initially in 2007, a fishing area was made, the area of which is about 500 m2.

At that time, the snacks sold were instant noodles and snacks. Until 2008, Lubana Sengkol was no longer just a fishing spot but developed into a restaurant complementing outbound activities.

There is Lubana angkringan, which can be a family culinary dining option. Unlike angkringan in general, Lubana carries the concept of camping and lesehan. Visitors can enjoy the dishes offered by sitting in front of the tent.

"This concept is based on the community's need for open culinary attractions that can adapt to the current pandemic conditions," said the manager of the Lubana Sengkol culinary site, Yuda Hidayat.

"The tent was originally an outbound location and the nuances of nature wanted to meet the community's need for an outdoor atmosphere such as a camper," he added.

This family tourist restaurant offers typical Indonesian cuisine. Visitors can relax enjoying the natural atmosphere while eating the food offered.

According to Yuda, the visitors can have fun outbound and after that, of course, can enjoy a meal with an open atmosphere.

While the dishes offered range from traditional such as satay angkringan, toast to the latest food from dim sum. If visitors want to enjoy other menus, there is also the Korean barbeque Oma Grills which can be an option.

There are several packages offered by Oma Grills, ranging from a package of IDR 45 thousand for 1-2 people to a community service package for 5-6 people whose price is set at IDR 200 thousand.

Oma Grills is open every day except Monday from 16.00-23.00 WIB. So what are you waiting for, please come to Lubana Sengkol, try various types of food with your family while enjoying the afternoon and dim lights at night.

Lubana Sengkol, Serpong, Tangsel

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