Sebanyak 12 warisan budaya Provinsi Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) diusulkan jadi Heritage Budaya Takbenda Indonesia (WBTbI) pada 2023.

Head of Cultural Heritage and Minang Language Division of the West Sumatra Culture Service, Afrimas, said the West Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemrov) would propose the dozens of cultural heritages to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

"Our target this year is that 12 cultural heritages from West Sumatra are designated as WBTbI. But the hope is that there will be more than that," said Afrimas in Padang, West Sumatra, Monday, February 6, as reported by Antara.

He is optimistic that the results of the determination of the Ministry of Education and Culture on cultural heritage in West Sumatra will exceed the target. This reflects on the target in 2022 which is only 8 cultural heritages, but the realization of 19 West Sumatra cultural heritage is set to become WBTbI.

In order for this target to be realized, the West Sumatra Culture Service has asked 19 regencies and cities in the province to register three cultural heritages each.

"There should be 57 cultural heritages registered by districts and cities. However, Mentawai Islands Regency registered 10 items, so a total of 64 items have been registered," he said.

According to him, the West Sumatra Culture Service will immediately send a team to verify the items registered on February 15, 2023.

Afrimas said there were slight differences in the assessment of cultural heritage registered in 2023 compared to 2022. This was related to efforts to preserve the region, especially budget support from local governments.

"This means that there must be budget support from the local government for the preservation of the cultural heritage in the current year. This will also be the team's attention," he said.

Previously in 2022 19 cultural heritages from West Sumatra were designated as WBTbI by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

The heritage included Balango Galogandang (Tanah Datar Regency), Legend of Sakti Sungai Janiah ( Agam Regency), Bakajang (Fiapuluh Kota Regency), Sijobang (Fiapuluh Kota Regency), Batobo Konsi (Sijnjung Regency), Bakaua Adat (Sijnjung Regency), Lubuak Landua Laran Fish (Pasaman Regency), Sulam Bonang Omeh Aie Bangih (West Pasaman).

Then, Kirekat (Mentawai Islands Regency), Pasikut Abag (Mentawai Islands Regency), Gadang Kajang Padati House (Padang City), Tenun Koto Nan Godang Payakumbuh ( Payakumbuh City), Takuluak Kompong ( Payakumbuh City).

Then Takuluak Talakuang (Payakumbuh City), Talempong Sautunuang (Payakumbuh City), Bajapuik Regency (Padang Pariaman Regency), Badoncek (Padang Pariaman Regency & Pariaman City), Dendang Bansi Solok (Regency and Solok City), and Gandang Sarunai (South Solok Regency).

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