TANJUNGPINANG - The Riau Islands Provincial Election Supervisory Agency (ormas) that is not a legal entity can register as election monitor. A member of the Riau Islands Bawaslu Indrawan in Tanjungpinang, said that the Regulation of the Indonesian Bawaslu Number 4 of 2018 which was later changed through Perbawaslu Number 1 of 2023 provides space for non-legal organizations both at the central to regional levels to participate in increasing election supervision. Ormas, communities or community groups that meet the requirements can register as a monitoring agency for the implementation of the 2024 Election. The policy is different from the implementation of the 2019 Election monitoring, which requires legal organization if you wish to register as election monitor. Bawaslu RI recorded as many as 37 national organizations register as election monitors. This organization has networks up to the district and city levels. While organizations that register as local monitoring the provincial level are only eight organizations, but do not include Riau. "Until now there are no organizations or institutions in the regions that register as election monitoring," said Indrawan as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 3. Indrawan stated that mass organizations that wish to register as election monitoring must meet the requirements as stipulated in Bawaslu Regulation Number 1 of 2023 namely registered certificates (SKT) from local governments, are independent, have clear, registered sources of funds and obtain permits from provincial Bawaslu. "This registration is proven through monitoring acrements," he said. In conducting monitoring registration, the continuation of community or community organizations must have administrative completeness in the form of organizational profiles, registered certificates from the government or local government, or have validation of the association law entity or association law entity, the name and number of election monitoring members. "The number and the identity of election monitoring members to be placed in the regions, and the plans and schedule of monitoring activities as well as areas to be monitored are also mandatory requirements," he said.Bawaslu Kepri table opening monitoring services to facilitate ormas registration as election monitoring. Accreditation as election monitors is published at most 14 working days, calculated after registration.

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