MAKASSAR - Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Nurdin Abdullah discussed the anticipation of an increase in the number of people exposed to COVID-19. Hospital capacity must be adequate if there is a surge in COVID-19 patients.
"We are discussing the anticipation of an increase in COVID-19 patients, hospital carrying capacity, isolation rooms, COVID-19 ambassadors and steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in 2021," said Nurdin Abdullah, Sunday, January 3.
In a joint meeting with the South Sulawesi Health Office and the director of a number of hospitals, Prof. NA - Nurdin's nickname - said the number of COVID-19 cases in the last few days had indeed increased. But according to him, this is related to the examination of specimens, which number has doubled.
"Anticipating a surge in patients, we will increase the capacity of hospital isolation beds, add quarantine hotels, including in districts / cities," he said.
Currently, the occupancy of the hospital based on data from the South Sulawesi Health Office is around 67-68 percent. Later, COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized and without symptoms but still have a positive status will be transferred to the Duta Wisata hotel.
"Thus reducing the burden on the hospital and only treating those with severe and critical symptoms," continued Nurdin.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 vaccination will be carried out on January 14, 2021 in South Sulawesi. This vaccination is simultaneously in Indonesia which is started for health workers.
"Hopefully all of our efforts can reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, of course by always applying strict health protocols discipline," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of South Sulawesi Health Office Muhammad Ichsan Mustari confirmed that the COVID-19 vaccination will be carried out on January 14, 2020 in South Sulawesi.
"This will be simultaneously in Indonesia for health workers first," said Ichsan.
In addition, the DHO will ensure strengthening management, including the patient referral system. Currently, patient referrals to Makassar in the last two days have started to decrease. Some district / city hospitals are activated for handling COVID-19.
"The strengthening is carried out by increasing the capacity of the hospital. The beds are added from Japanese aid," he said.
In addition, it also utilizes 1,000 interfaith figures who are encouraged to educate the public in implementing health protocols.
Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sulawesi COVID-19 Consultant Team, Prof. Ridwan Amiruddin, explained that globally, in the European region, the second wave of attacks with new variants had entered. In the Asian region the old variant has decreased, but in Indonesia it is still increasing.
"The Asian region entered the first wave of decline, but Indonesia is still experiencing an increase," he said.
Meanwhile, Indonesia's COVID-19 positivity rate is at 20 percent. Meanwhile, South Sulawesi was at 15-17 percent. Prof. Ridwan Amiruddin stated that the COVID-19 Ambassador program contributed to reducing the number of people being treated in hospitals.
This is considered to reduce the number of deaths of COVID-19 patients. There is also 2.5 percent of the highest death rate for COVID-19 patients in South Sulawesi.
"In other provinces the death rate was 7 percent, South Sulawesi was 1.9 percent. So the contribution of the Covid-19 ambassador to pressure patients into hospital is extraordinary. So those who enter the hospital are indeed severe and critical symptoms," he said.
He also conveyed the number of South Sulawesi COVID-19 testing above the WHO recommendation. However, he stressed the need for a more extensive and larger close search.
"We can see how Singapore controls its new cases through tracing contact and everything is traced so that new cases and new variants do not occur. This is in South Sulawesi, we are making new breakthroughs in strengthening our tracing," he said.
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