MAKASSAR - Fahria Yasmin Baladraf, known as DJ Yasmin, canceled his gig at Holywings Club 4 Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). DJ Yasmin's gig was highlighted because the Makassar City Government still imposed a curfew restricting restaurant operations including entertainment venues.

Greeter Holywings Club 4, Intan, said DJ Yasmin is scheduled to perform in January. But DJ Yasmin informed us of the cancellation.

"It was yesterday's planning, that's not certain. We also just got information that DJ Yasmin canceled it, it didn't work, "said Intan to VOI, Sunday, January 3.

The news about DJ Yasmin performing at Holywings Club 4 Makassar was spread on social media. But conditions in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic made the Makassar City Government impose all restrictions on crowds to avoid the spread of the new corona virus.

“Holywings Makassar is temporarily closed, not yet open. It is not certain when it will reopen, "he said.

"But we get information from our management, if for example Dj Yasmin cancels this month," continued Intan.

Contacted separately, Kasatpol PP Makassar Iman Hud admitted that he had received information about DJ Yasmin's planned gig. Therefore, Satpol PP contacted the management of Holywings Club 4 Makassar.

"I did call, I followed up. The rich (plan) once I made it clear, I closed it forcibly, forcibly dispersed, "said Iman Hud.

Previously, the Acting Mayor of Makassar, Rudy Djamaluddin issued a circular regarding community activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the letter, restrictions on operations, malls, cafes, restaurants, restaurants, can only be, activities start until 19.00 WITA, which will be in effect on Thursday, December 24 to Sunday, January 3. However, the government again extended the circular with restrictions on operational curfews until Monday, January 11.

"The acting mayor has also extended the circular, automatically he (Holywings) cannot open it," said Iman Hud.

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