PISAU ISLAND - Pulang Pisau Regency Social Service, Central Kalimantan, facilitated the repatriation of four workers after fleeing from one of the oil palm plantation companies. “Kita terlepas dari permasalahan yang terjadi antara pekerja dengan pihak perusahaan. Mereka saat ini kategorinya selarang dan menjadi kewajiban bagi Dinas Sosial setempat memfasilitasi agar mereka bisa pulang ke daerah masing-masing,” kata Kepala Bidang Rehabilitasi Sosial Pulang Pisau, Evy Herawaty di Pulang Pisau, Antara, Rabu, 1 Februari. According to Evy, the four workers were previously handed over by the community to the Social Service. The items brought were also left behind, including the identity of the ID card which he said were still being held by the company as collateral. According to the mechanism, he said, for the repatriation of the four workers, his party coordinated with the Central Kalimantan Provincial Social Service and the South Kalimantan Provincial Social Service. "The four people include three people from several areas in South Kalimantan and one from Kisaran Regency, North Sumatra Province," he said. He said the repatriation of workers who fled from work and abandoned was not the first time. The previous year as many as five people were sent home from Jakarta and Banten. Sutrisno, one of the workers who fled from one of the oil palm plantations operating in Kahayan Kuala District, admitted that he fled with three other colleagues, namely Jahidin from Alalak, Supri from Barabai and Yadi from Amuntai, who fled because he felt cheated by a job seeker agent who lives in South Kalimantan. "What the agents promised was inappropriate and very different in the field, both wages and places of residence were not worth it. Initially there were 11 people who wanted to run away, but seven of our friends did not succeed because they were caught by the company's security, "said Sutrisno. Sutrisno, who is a job seeker from North Sumatra, said that initially he and his colleagues were tempted by job advertisements on Facebook social media, in the hope that they could change their family's life for the better. Before getting to the intended company, according to Sutrisno, his colleagues were accommodated in one of the houses located in the Bereng Bengkel area of Palangka Raya and the costs incurred by the agents were receivable to them. Likewise with work equipment that is the responsibility of the workers who have to be paid. “We will not escape if the agent complies with his promise. The work offered also does not match our skills, ” said Sutrisno in tears. The latest information, said Sutrisno, was that his colleagues who could not run could finally get out of the company with a ransom that reached Rp1.4 million. During the escape, it was not only bags and valuables that were lost but no more money were brought. “ If I try to find a job again. "Shame go home with what I'm going through," said Sutrisno. The head of the Pulang Pisau Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Sugiharso, when confirmed, revealed that the police were still checking the truth of the information. Also related to the motives of workers who fled the company and the issue of beating workers who did not manage to escape. "We are still heading to the company concerned to check the truth in a balanced manner," said Sugiharso.

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