Head of the Banjarmasin City Education Office, South Kalimantan, Nuryadi revealed, as many as 75 schools in his city have implemented student digital cards. Through this system, the absence of students can be known by parents. He said in Banjarmasin, Wednesday, as many as 75 schools, namely 40 junior high school-level schools and 35 schools for the SD level. According to him, the card is the identity of students who have functions, among others, for the presence of students who are integrated with the parents' WhatsApp. In addition, said Nuryadi, for shopping tools at school. Because every transaction of children, parents will get a notification through WhatsApp. "So parents can control children from any expenditure," he explained. According to him, the card can be filled with the purchase of digital money for shopping in the canteen managed by schools. Nuryadi said, the application of this card is an effort to support the smart city program or the smart city of Banjarmasin City. Because, he said, the Banjarmasin City smart city network is already very broad, to touch on for the advancement of education. This digital card is equipped with a chip in it. The technology name used is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

"This is a small electronic device consisting of chips and antennas. The chip part is capable of storing 2,000 byte of data," he also said, all schools in this city will implement this attendance digital card, but gradually.

"This card only redeems students of Rp. 10,000," he said.

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