JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk recorded 106,058 vehicles heading to Jakarta on the first day of New Year 2021. This figure is the cumulative traffic flow from several Toll Gates (GT) through the Cikampek Utama and Kalihurip Utama Toll Gates to the east. , GT Cikupa to the west, and GT Ciawi to the south.

Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru said the total volume of traffic going to Jakarta fell 19.9 percent when compared to new normal traffic or new habit adaptations.

"For the distribution of traffic to Jakarta from the three directions, namely the majority of 50.90 percent from the East, 28.16 percent from the West, and 20.94 percent from the South," he said, in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, January 2.

The details of traffic distribution are as follows:

1. East direction

- GT Cikampek Utama 2, with a total of 32,882 vehicles heading to Jakarta, an increase of 6.9 percent from new normal traffic or new habit adaptations.

- GT Kalihurip Utama 2, with a total of 21,101 vehicles heading to Jakarta, a decrease of 31.6 percent from the new normal traffic. Total vehicles heading to Jakarta from the East were 53,983 vehicles, a decrease of 12.4% from the new normal traffic.

2. West direction

Traffic to Jakarta from the West via the Cikupa GT Tangerang-Merak Toll Road is 29,870 vehicles, a decrease of 32.3 percent from the new normal traffic.

3. South direction

Meanwhile, the number of vehicles heading to Jakarta from the South / Local direction via GT Ciawi 2 Jagorawi Toll Road was 22,205 vehicles, a decrease of 16.8 percent from the new normal traffic.

"Jasa Marga urges toll road users to anticipate trips before entering the toll road. Ensure that vehicles and drivers are in prime condition, comply with health protocols by using masks, wash hands and maintain distance while at rest areas," he said.

Not only that, Heru also advised toll road users to fill up sufficient fuel and electronic money balances, and comply with signs and directions from officers and take breaks if they are tired of driving.

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