The fact-finding team formed by Polda Metro Jaya received strong criticism from the family attorney team of Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra, a FISIP UI student who was run over by a Pajero car belonging to a retired police officer and then made a suspect.

"A meeting that was made to search for facts is something that we think is inappropriate," said Gita Paulina, Hasya's family attorney to reporters in South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31.

Gita reasoned, because the facts on the police version had been stated in the SP2HP of the investigation, SP2HP of the investigation and SP3 received by the Hasya family, which she called documents from the police.

"So the fact that has been documented and it is clear about Hasya's case is that Hasya has been declared a suspect by investigators and this case has been investigated which has not changed until now," he said.

For the Hasya family's legal team, the National Police should reflect on the handling of the Hasya case. The National Police must make improvements to law enforcement in Indonesia.

"In our opinion, what is crucial is that from the facts of documents from the police issued by the South Jakarta Police, the investigation and investigation process carried out by the police was not carried out in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations," he said.

In addition, Gita said that she would continue to support and be with the National Police in improving law enforcement in Indonesia. Therefore, Hasya's family attorney asked the Police to conduct an internal examination regarding the handling of Hasya's case, which allegedly contained maladministration.

"In order to be accountable transparently and fully accountable to the people of Indonesia," he explained.

Previously reported, Gita Paulina, Hasya's family attorney, stated that her party reported the South Jakarta Metro Police to the Ombudsman for any indication of alleged maladministration related to the handling of the case against a FISIP UI student named Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra.

"(reported) South Jakarta Police, and those who issued Hasya's post-mortem," Gita told reporters at the Indonesian Ombudsman's Office, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31.

Hasya experienced the traffic accident in the Srengseng Sawah area, South Jakarta last Thursday, October 6, 2022, last. However, in handling the case, the family felt that they did not get justice. Hasya, who was the victim of an accident and died, instead became a suspect and the case was declared stopped.

"We report to the Ombudsman regarding maladministration and errors in formal procedures carried out by the police, namely the South Jakarta Police, regarding the handling of cases that befell Hasya," he said.

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