There Is A Possibility Of Talk About The Gubernatorial Election Between Megawati And Gibran
Photo via Antara

Gibran Rakabuming Raka kept the conversation a secret with PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri when she met at the inauguration of Hevearita G Rahayu as Mayor of Semarang in Semarang, Monday, January 30 yesterday.

"Just read my facial expressions when I was partnered with Mrs. Mega, that's enough to answer," said President Jokowi's eldest son in Solo, Tuesday, January 31, as reported by Antara.

Asked about the possibility to run in the 2024 gubernatorial election, he was reluctant to answer straightforwardly.

"I don't know, read it yourself (expression of his face, ed.). Later on, it will be discussed later, the important thing is that I have met my mother (Megawati, ed.), already," he said.

Although keeping the contents of the conversation a secret with Megawati, she admitted that she felt many impressions during the meeting. Had time to take Megawati to the car to return to Jakarta, she said on that occasion there was no discussion between herself and Megawati.

"No, yesterday was enough, short, congested, clear," he said.

Sebelumnya sempat tersebar foto Megawati yang menggandeng tangan Gibran saat pertemuan di Semarang. Meski dalam foto tersebut keduanya tampak dekat, ia enggan menyebut jika gangan tersebut merupakan bagian dari simbol politik.

"No, he's like a mother, my own grandparents. Anyway, I would like to see him here, I would accompany him," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about the preparations for the 2024 Pilkada, he admitted that there was no preparation whatsoever.

Including realizing 16 priority projects in Solo, he said, these efforts were not part of the preparations to advance in higher political contestation.

"Nothing, I have 'I am meh ngopo to?' (What do I want to do?). Priority projects are work now, my job is to complete it. I don't want to show off, let residents judge," he said.

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