JAKARTA - Police arrested MDF, a junior high school student, who uploaded a parody of the song Indonesia Raya to YouTube. It is known that there is a motive for revenge behind the harassment of the national anthem.

"From the information in Malaysia he was angry with the MDF in Cianjur. But what kind of anger is being investigated by the investigators," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yowono at a press conference at the National Police Headquarters, Friday, January 1, 2021.

Argo said that his party would coordinate with the Malaysian police or the Malaysian Royal Police (PDRM). The National Police confirmed that they would further study the testimony of NJ (11) who was in Malaysia.

"So the point is that the NJ in Sabah and the MDF in Cianjur are friends, in cyberspace they are friends, they often communicate, they get angry often," explained Argo.

In addition, Argo said the MDF used a pseudonym, namely, Faiz Rahman Simalungun. This was done so as not to be detected from alleged criminal violations while playing on his social media. Including his involvement in making and uploading videos of parody songs of Indonesia Raya on YouTube.

"The MDF then made the YouTube channel 'Indonesia Raya' instrumental parodies and video lyrics, using the name NJ. So this MDF made, then also used the name NJ, then he tagged the location in Malaysia, using the Malaysian number, finally accused of NJ, "said Argo.

Not being accepted by his name, NJ was angry. NJ, said Argo, then edited the video uploaded by MDF on the YouTube channel by adding a pig image.

"Finally, NJ is angry with the MDF. So the mistake is, NJ is making another YouTube channel, with My Asean content. I repeated the Asean channel. He created the Asean channel, then the content was editing, editing, rather than the content that was distributed by the MDF. And he only added to it. , why was he edited, he added the picture of the pig with NJ. So NJ in Malaysia also made it, then the MDF in Cianjur also made it. This was because he was angry then it made him, "said Argo.

As a result of its actions, the MDF is threatened with violating the criminal act of disseminating information aimed at creating hatred or enmity for certain individuals and / or community groups based on ethnicity, religion, race and between groups (SARA) as referred to in Article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

MDF is also suspected of being a criminal offense of changing the national anthem with tone, rhythm, words and other compositions with the intention of insulting or degrading the honor of the national anthem as referred to in Article 64A in conjunction with Article 70 of Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning Flags, Languages, and The National Coat of Arms, as well as the National Anthem.

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