TANGERANG - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has officially declared Anies Baswedan as the 2024 Presidential Candidate (Read President). This was conveyed directly by the Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Moh Sohibul Iman.
"“PKS consistently supports the 2024 presidential election, so that this coalition meets a 20 percent presidential threshold. PKS will provide support to Mr. Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate,” Sohibul told reporters in Swoewarna, Tangerang City, Monday, January 30.
Sohibul explained that this investigation was a form of attitude from the PKS party to answer the dynamics of hope or expectations from the public regarding the 2024 presidential election.
"We really feel that there is a dynamic hope or expectations from the public regarding the coalition supporting Mr. Anies, thus reaching the presidential threshold. Explicitly we support Mr. Anies. We want this message to be widely known. And no longer raise questions and speculations on which direction PKS will be in 2024," he said.
When asked about the vice presidential candidate, PKS handed over completely to Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate. For him, the most important thing is in accordance with the goals and entry of the coalition of changes.
"We leave whatever it is to Anies Baswedan, the important thing is in accordance with the direction of this coalition," he said.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Democratic Party Teuku Riefky said that his party appreciated the decision that had been taken by PKS to read the 2024 presidential election, so that this coalition of changes was very clear.
"Our solidarity is extraordinary, this is to fulfill public expectations. The coalition of changes is clear," he concluded.
Previously, the National Democrats (Nasdem) had officially declared the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan as the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Candidate Will.
Meanwhile, the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti (AHY) officially conveyed his inauguration as the 2024 Presidential Candidate Will.
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