MEDAN - The North Sumatra Regional Police's Rapid Reaction Patrol Team (PRC) arrested a male drug dealer of the ecstasy pill type at the Simpang Pos gas station, Jalan Jamin Ginting, Medan.

The man is DN (28), a resident of Jalan Balai Desa, Medan Polonia, Medan City, North Sumatra.

"The arrests began when the PRC Dit Samapta Polda Sumut team was carrying out a patrol and were about to stop to stand by at the Simpang Pos gas station on Jamin Ginting Street Medan," said North Sumatra Police Chief, through Head of Public Relations Kombes Pol Hadi Wahyudi, Sunday.

Hadi said that the man was arrested by personnel when he was passing by on a motorbike at the Simpang Pos gas station, Jamin Ginting Street, Medan, Saturday, January 28.

The team saw a suspicious man. The North Sumatran Police Dit Samapta PRC team immediately chased the man and conducted a search.

"Found a plastic pack containing 10 ecstasy pills in a pack of cigarettes," he said.

The Head of Public Relations added that a number of other pieces of evidence were also confiscated in the form of a black motorbike with police number BK6296 AEJ, ID cards, BCA ATM cards, STNK, Sampoerna cigarette boxes, IDR 5000 banknotes, and IDR 2000 banknotes.

"Currently the perpetrators have been handed over to the Medan Tuntungan Police for further investigation," said Hadi.

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