SURABAYA The number of cases of violence against children and early marriage in children is a special concern of the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot). Head of the Surabaya City Government for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection and Population and Family Control (DP3A-PPKB) Tomi Ardiyanto said that his party had made a special class to reduce the number of exploitation of children.

"This is an effort to protect oneself against child violence and marriage," said Tomi Ardiyanto, quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 29.

According to him, offline inspiration classes held at the Cultural Center Building, Jalan Governor Suryo Number 15, Surabaya starting at 08.00 WIB will be attended by as many as 750 children ranging from PIK-R Members (Information Center and Youth Concession), SMA/SMK students, Karang Taruna, FAS members (Surabaya Children Forum) Women, Osis Chairs, and the State Junior High School (Surabaya Student Organization). / private.

Meanwhile, online activities can be followed via live streaming youtube.

Tomi said that violence against children often occurs, both in the family environment, society, and schools. The violence experienced is in the form of acts of physical, sexual violence, emotional abuse, or neglect of children.

Responding to this, he said, his party was supported by regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and related agencies, colleagues from the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) and the Family Learning Center (Puspaga), children's observers, and the media.

A number of these parties, he continued, continue to strengthen the commitment to protection and fulfillment of the rights of children, one of which is through Law Number 6 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974, where in Article 7 which states the minimum age of marriage for men and women is 19 years old.

The Surabaya City Government's steps in efforts to prevent violence and child marriage, in the field of prevention, are followed by several strategic steps that need to be taken, including actively conducting education with massive and mass campaigns/socialization/talkshows to junior high school/SMA/SMK students.

"Parents and school committees, educators and education staff and the entire community in the city of Surabaya regarding the education of character and identity for teenagers is also very necessary, so that the younger generation can set a good and intelligent example of their attitudes, intellectuals, and behavior," he said.

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