JAKARTA - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin asked joint officers to be on standby to disperse the crowd on the Puncak route, Cisarua, Bogor Regency, West Java, until Friday (January 1, 2021) morning.

"The crowd was disbanded because the officers took turns working until tomorrow morning," he said after leading the joint officer rally from the TNI / Polri and the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) at Simpang Gadog, Ciawi, Bogor, Thursday.

He reiterated that the public was not allowed to celebrate New Year's Eve because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

He conveyed this in the Bogor Regent's Appeal number 423 / COVID-19 / Sekret / XII / 2020 regarding the prohibition of holding New Year's Eve celebrations both indoors and outdoors.

The appeal also prohibits the use or sale and purchase of firecrackers, fireworks, trumpets, and the like.

In addition, during the New Year holidays, the operational hours of the crowd center must close early, from 21.00 WIB to 19.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, West Java Deputy Police Chief, Brigadier General Pol. Eddy Sumitro Tambunan emphasized that his party would forcibly close the restaurant or crowd center that was desperate to operate after 19.00 WIB.

Eddy also admitted that he did not hesitate to disperse the crowd in the West Java region by alerting 4,400 personnel who took turns on duty.

"Wherever there is the smallest crowd, they are immediately dismissed," said Eddy.

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