JAKARTA - A small team formed by the NasDem, Democrat and PKS parties gathered at Anies Baswedan's residence in the Lebak Bulus area, South Jakarta, Friday, January 27.

Today's meeting also listened to an official statement from the Democratic Party that supported Anies Baswedan running as a presidential candidate (candidate) in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. This was conveyed by the envoy of Anies Baswedan's small team, Sudirman Said, when delivering the latest developments on the meeting of the small team 'Change Coalition'.

"The most recent thing is that we know yesterday that Pak Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, the General Chair of the Democratic Party, issued a release or statement that we are officially supporting the nomination as a progress," said Sudirman Said at Anies' residence, Friday, January 27.

With an official statement from the Democrats, Sudirman said, the small team was just waiting for PKS' support so that Anies Baswedan would get a presidential candidate ticket in 2024. He hoped that PKS would immediately follow the same decision regarding Anies' candidacy.

"We pray that our friends from PKS will also follow such statements. We are waiting for the ongoing internal process and in the finalization process, hopefully," he said. He claimed that the internal atmosphere of the candidate for political coalition partners was getting more solid to move together.

"This afternoon we gathered for lunch together at home, together with friends from the coalition party, namely the NasDem Party of the Democratic Party and the Prosperous Justice Party. This is a routine chat that has actually been going on for a long time, so there are many things that are talked about updating, the atmosphere is solid, the atmosphere is ready to move together, yes," Anies told reporters after the meeting of the small team, Friday, January 27.

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