Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD asked all parties to wait for a verdict on the defendant in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J), Ferdy Sambo.

"Wait for the verdict," said Mahfud briefly when questioned by reporters regarding Ferdy Sambo's legal process after attending the opening of the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery (PC-PEN) Transition in Jakarta, Thursday, January 26.

Previously, on Thursday 19 January, Mahfud expressed his belief that the prosecutor's office was not affected by underground movements related to the premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

According to Mahfud, at that time there were those who wanted Sambo to be released, there were also those who wanted Sambo to be punished, but his party was able to secure this by ensuring the independence of the prosecutor's office.

"I make sure that the prosecutor's office is independent, it will not be influenced by underground movements," he said.

Meanwhile, Ferdy Sambo has undergone a trial reading a memorandum of defense at the South Jakarta District Court on Tuesday, January 24, where he dismissed various issues about himself circulating in public, including issues regarding drug dealers, gambling to the issue of infidelity with many women.

"I have been accused of sadistic torture of the late Yosua since Magelang, as well as accusations of being a drug dealer and gambling, having an affair and marrying many women, doing LGBT, having a bunker full of money up to the placement of hundreds of trillions of money in an account in the name of Yosua, all of which are not true. I repeat, all of these accusations are untrue," said Ferdy Sambo.

Ferdy Sambo is one of five defendants in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat. He was sentenced to life imprisonment by the public prosecutor.

The other three defendants were sentenced to eight years in prison, namely Strong Ma'ruf, Ricky Rizal, and Putri Candrawathi, while the defendant Richard totaled 12 years in prison.

The five defendants were charged with violating Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

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