SUMBAR - It took three units of fire fighting fleets and 15 personnel until finally the fire that devoured a house unit in Nagari, Pinang Village, Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), was successfully extinguished.

Head of Satpol PP Damkar Agam Dandi Pribadi said the fire hit a resident's house named Rudi Eka Pratama (38). The fire allegedly appeared due to a short circuit and spread to the furniture of the victim's house.

"We can extinguish the fire after a few minutes the fire engine arrived at the location," he said in Lubukbasung, West Sumatra, Wednesday, January 25, which was confiscated by Antara.

Dandi explained that the fire was successfully extinguished on Wednesday, January 25 at around 09.45 WIB. The fire burned a number of houses including furniture. The loss from the fire is estimated at Rp40 million. "There were no casualties as a result of the incident," he said.

At first, the victim knew that the fire that suddenly appeared slowly grew. Together with the fire residents who tried to be extinguished, they could not be tamed either. The report was submitted to the Agam Damkar.

For the fire incident, Dandi appealed to residents to increase their vigilance by repairing old electricity networks. After that, keep away flammable materials by fire, extinguish the stove fire when leaving the house and others. "We continue to convey the appeal to residents when there is a meeting with residents," he concluded.

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