NAGAKEO - The Nagekeo Regency Government, East Nusa Tenggara refused the assistance of pigs from the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) disease in the region. "For now, we refuse (assistance) because of ASF," said Head of the Livestock Service Nagekeo Klementina Dawo when contacted from Labuan Bajo, Antara, Tuesday, January 24. Nagekeo Regency has received the assistance of 25 pigs distributed through the Denpasar Unggul and Greens Heritage Center (BPTU-HPT). According to the plan, the aid will be distributed to a group of young people in Danga Village, Aesesa District. However, Klementina said that her party refused the aid because the aid pigs were said to have been confirmed positive in Kupang. This is an option taken by local governments to prevent the spread of the virus and cause mass deaths in local pigs in the region. The Nagekeo Regency Government has tightened surveillance of livestock traffic in border areas to prevent the entry of ASFs, such as in Nangamboa, Nangaroro area, as well as Wolowae, in anticipation of Sikka and East Flores. The local Livestock Service has tightened livestock traffic and asked the sub-district heads to empower the Community Protection Unit (Linmas) officers to be on guard in each region. In addition to the rejection and prohibition of the entry of pigs, the local government also rejected the entry of pork products, both fresh and processed meat such as se'i, babi bread, and other followed-up products from infected areas, as well as not selling and or buying sick pigs. Klementina also appealed to breeders or cage officers to improve biosecurity in the form of cleanliness and sanitation of cages. "Farmers and cage guards must strictly implement biosecurity," he asserted.

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