JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) presented seven witnesses from the academic community to parents of students entrusted in the case of bribery for accepting new students from the University of Lampung (Unila) in 2022. The seven witnesses were presented to testify against the three defendants, namely the inactive Unila Chancellor Prof. Karomani, Vice Chancellor I for the inactive Unila Academic Division Prof. Heryandi, and the inactive Unila Senate Chair Muhammad Basri. "We present seven witnesses in the case of continued bribery for accepting new students in Unila. Actually, there were eight, only one person was not present," said KPK Prosecutor Asril during a trial at the Tanjungkarang Class I District Court in Bandarlampung, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 24. He continued that the seven witnesses who were presented were the academic community, high-ranking officials in Unila, and the parents of the students were entrusted. The witnesses included Ida Nurhaida as the Dean of FISIP Unila, Prof. Dyah Wulan Sumekar as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Unila,▁melayani as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Unila, and Wayan Embere as a lecturer at Unila. "Then there are Fajar Pamukti Putra and Destian as honorary employees in Unila, and Feri Antonius as parents of the students entrusted. One who was not present was a witness as the parent of the student entrusted with Linda Fitri," he said. Prof. Karomani along with two other defendants, Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs of Unila, Prof. Heryandi and the inactive Unila Senate Chair Muhammad Basri, became defendants in the alleged case of accepting bribes for accepting new students at Unila in 2022. In this case, the KPK has named four suspects consisting of three as recipients of bribes, namely Prof. Dr. Karomani (the inactive Unila Chancellor), Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila Heryandi, and Senate Chairperson Unila Muhammad Basri. Meanwhile, the suspect who gave the bribe was the private party, Andi Desfiandi, who was sentenced by the panel of judges a few weeks ago.

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