YOGYAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) believes that the Ciliwung River Sodetan construction project will be completed in April 2023. President Jokowi reviewed the construction of the drains leading to the East Flood Canal (KBT), Jakarta, on Tuesday (24/1).

The purpose of the Ciliwung Sodetan is part of the flood control system plan in Jakarta. This project actually started in 2016. However, it had been stopped for several years, until finally finding a bright spot again this year.

"Soon it will be finished, maybe April, God willing, Sodetan Ciliwung has finished, who has stopped for 6 years," said Jokowi at the East Flood Canal, East Jakarta, Tuesday.

However, the father of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming, did not explain in more detail the reasons for the project. He only revealed that the work was underway after the government finished acquiring land for sodetan drilling. So what are the goals of the Ciliwung drain?

The Ciliwung River drain was created to overcome the annual problems that always hit Jakarta, namely floods. Floods that hit a number of areas in the capital city occurred due to the overflow of the Ciliwung River.

Reporting from the official website of the Ministry of PUPR, this drain is part of a flood control system plan or flood control from upstream to downstream Jakarta. With this drain, it is hoped that the water discharge can be controlled so as to reduce the potential for flooding. President Jokowi said that the Ciliwung drain was able to reduce the area of flood-inundated areas in Jakarta.

"If it has been opened [Ciliwung Sodetan], [with flood status] standby 4 it will reduce 33 cubic meters per second, very large. Then if you are on alert 1, 63 cubic meters per second, it will be big," said Jokowi.

In 2021, the construction of the Ciliwung Sodetan has reached 549 meters. In the upstream of this tunnel, there is a dry dam or dry dam placed in Ciawi, Bogor. The capacity of the dam can accommodate 6.05 million cubic meters.

In addition, the Coastal Embankment for critical river and coastal estuaries was also built to minimize the risk of flooding downstream. The embankments will be located in 4 locations, namely Muara Angke, Mutiara Beach, West Ancol, and Blencong River.

The construction of the embankment has a budget of IDR 595 billion in its initial stage. The embankment is planned to have a length of 46 kilometers and has been completed along 13 kilometers. The length of the embankment will be adjusted to conditions in the northern coastal area of Jakarta which is prone to tidal waves.

The Ciliwung River construction project is known to have been suspended for 6 years. Development is still hampered by land acquisition for sodetan drilling. Previously, Jokowi had asked the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to solve the land acquisition problem.

Heru Budi himself said that the cause of the stalled Sodetan project was due to land acquisition problems. Based on the records of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, there were 59 heads of families (KK) affected by land acquisition for the project.

The East Jakarta City Government (Pemkot) had to displace 59 buildings to launch the Ciliwung Sodetan construction project. The house that was evicted was on the banks of the Ciliwung River on Jalan IPN Kebon Nanas, Cipinang Besar.

The budget for the construction of the Ciliwung Sodetan is estimated to reach IDR 707,630,603,000. This project consists of 3 sections, namely KBT on the back of the Trisakti campus, Jalan Otista (Inlet Kali Ciliwung), and Jalan Otista III (arriving scorer/meeting point).

That is the review regarding the purpose of Sodetan Ciliwung whose construction is resumed. Heru Budi Hartono is optimistic that the construction project will be completed in March 2023.

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