PAPUA -periodic, a woman in Sorong, West Papua was burned by a number of residents for allegedly planning to kidnap a child. The arson of the victim occurred on Tuesday, January 24, at around 06.30 WIT in Sorong City, Kokoda Complex, Sorong Manue District, Southwest Papua. In fact, there is no evidence that the woman carried out the kidnapping.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Papua Police, Kombes Adam Erwindi, confirmed the incident.

"Yes, it is true (the victim) died," said Adam when confirmed, Tuesday, January 24.

Adam explained that the incident began when one of the residents shouted at the victim on charges of kidnapping a child. Suddenly the people who heard immediately arrested the accused woman and killed her.

"So at that time someone shouted child kidnappers, There was a woman accused of kidnapping a child, because it was busy on social media, finally the community was angry with the community, she was swallowed up," he said.

Then came Bhabinkamtinmas to the scene, then gave clothes to the victim. However, when the victim wanted to be brought by the officers, there were residents who suddenly poured gasoline and set the victim on fire.

"Continue to put clothes on, so when you bring them, you'll be partnered, right? Suddenly someone poured gasoline. Then it was burned. Until finally he was taken to the hospital and died," he said.

(Apart from the victim-ed) there were some who were doused with gasoline that caught fire. I'll make sure later," he continued.

Police are investigating the perpetrator who is vigilant and the person who accused the victim of kidnapping the child. Therefore, his party is currently digging up information from witnesses and several videos at the time of the incident.

"Not yet, still digging from the testimony of witnesses as well and from the video. The food is still being explored, who was shouting at that time? When it was carrying a child or not, was it just a shouted juag. Currently it's still in the same room as the police chief," he concluded.

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