TANGERANG - The beating using sharp weapons (sajam) was carried out by gangsters against two youths in Kadu Village, Cikupa, Tangerang Regency. The beating killed one victim on the spot.

Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Sigit Dany Setiyono confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Sunday, January 22, in the early hours of the morning.

"It's true, there has been a beating by a gangster group. The first victim with the initials MA (20) has died. Meanwhile, the second victim with the initials AS (20) was injured," said Sigit in his statement, Sunday, January 22.

Sigit explained that the incident began when the Supreme Court and the US, which were riding on motorbikes, were suddenly chased by three motorbikes.

Unable to avoid being chased away, the Supreme Court and the US ended up under siege. Without knowing why the gangster beat the two victims.

"Nakas korban MA tertampi kelompok kelompok gangster dan dikeroyok menggunakan senjata tajam yang mengakibat korban MA mengalami luka parah hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia," ucapnya.

After the victim was helpless, the gangster group left the scene. The goal is to eliminate traces of his actions.

"After the incident the gangster group fled. Then the witness who saw it immediately reported the incident to the Tangerang Police," explained Sigit.

Based on the report, the Tangerang Police checked the crime scene (TKP). Then secured the evidence to examine several witnesses, to find out the actual incident of the case

"Currently, the Tangerang Police are conducting an investigation into the perpetrators of the beating which resulted in 1 person dying," concluded Sigit.

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