TASIKMALAYA - The Tasikmalaya City Health Office, West Java, is investigating a case of suspected barbers infecting a number of children in hospitals by conducting laboratory tests on patients. "We found several cases of suspectedXies in several hospitals, we have taken samples, and sent them to the West Java Province health laboratory," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the Tasikmalaya City Health Office, Asep Hendra, to reporters in Tasikmalaya, quoted from Antara, Friday, January 20. There are currently six cases detected. Everything happened to small children with symptoms such as▁besars. Patients who are infected with illness will determine the cause and type of disease after the results of laboratory tests. "Maybe the result is in two weeks, because it is a reference from all over West Java," he said. He conveyed that while waiting for laboratory results, his party had prepared a health team to monitor patients at the hospital, if the cases continued to be found, quick steps would be taken to prevent transmission. The status case in Tasikmalaya City, he said, had existed since last year, and his party had examined 30 people, the result was positive because of▁dirinyamposis. "But the positive one did not experience an emergency, and he was able to recover," he said. He conveyed efforts to prevent transmission and minimize the risk of the impact of smallpox, one of which was providing MR vaccines to form immunity in children. He appealed to parents to vaccinate MR for their children to be healthy, and if they were infected, they would not experience severe symptoms. "We urge parents to carry out basic vaccinations for their children, if they have been vaccinated, even though they will be infected later, it is likely that the symptoms will not be severe," he said.

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