JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas officially resigned from his position as President Commissioner (Komut) managing Blok M Mall Jakarta, PT Indonesia Prima Property Tbk (OMRE). The resignation of the man who is familiarly called Gus Yaqut was effective as of December 22, 2020, when he was appointed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to become Minister of Religion.

"We convey information disclosure that in connection with the appointment of Mr. Yaqut as Minister of Religion, the company has received Yaqut Cholil Qoumas' self-application letter from his position as president commissioner of the company effective December 22, 2020," said OMRE Director Djudarsono Yusetijo and Hartono, in the disclosure of information in page of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), quoted on Tuesday, December 29.

For information, Yaqut has been the President Commissioner of OMRE since June 2019. Yaqut was appointed as Commissioner after the OMRE Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) which was held on Wednesday, June 26 2019.

OMRE is a property manager. One of its portfolios is the Blok M shopping mall in Jakarta.

OMRE was established based on Deed No. 31 dated 23 April 1983, under the name PT Triyasa Tamihan. Subsequently the company name changed to PT Ometraco Realty and in 1996 changed to PT Indonesia Prima Property Tbk.

The Company's shares were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since August 22, 1994, totaling 100,000,000 shares and the total shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are currently 1,745,000,000 shares.

The company has its main business activities in the property sector, by investing in subsidiaries. Meanwhile, the scope of business activities of OMRE and its subsidiaries includes office rental, shopping centers (malls), rental apartments, hotels and housing development along with all its facilities.

Currently, OMRE shares are majority held or 65.71 percent by First Pacific Capital Group Limited. Meanwhile, PT Ometraco was 0.34 percent, Piter Korompis was 0.06 percent, and the public was 27.97 percent.

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