JAKARTA - PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol did not provide dividends to the DKI Provincial Government from 2020 to 2022.

Based on monitoring data and PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol's work plan revealed at the Commission B meeting of the DKI DPRD, for three years, the dividend column in the table of contributions to regional income from Ancol to DKI turned out to be empty.

However, in the same period, Ancol contributed to the provincial government from various regional taxes of Rp. 16.5 billion in 2020. Then Rp. 16.4 billion in 2021 and Rp. 143.5 billion in 2022.

During normal conditions, the contribution of the company (tax plus dividend) in 2019 was IDR 239.4 billion. However, during the pandemic, the company was able to contribute only in the form of regional taxes, namely in 2020 it was IDR 16.5 billion and IDR 16.4 billion in 2021.

"Meanwhile, in 2022, the company can contribute to regional taxes of Rp. 143.5 billion," said PT Pembangunan Jaya President Director Ancol Winarto, Thursday, January 19, as reported by Antara.

The regional tax contribution from Ancol in 2020 consists of an entertainment tax of Rp. 13.7 billion, PBB-P2 Rp. 1 billion, hotel tax of Rp. 843.4 million, billboard tax of Rp. 546.4 million and restaurant tax of Rp. 439.7 million.

In 2021, the regional tax contribution from Ancol consists of an entertainment tax of IDR 11.7 billion, PBB-P2 zero rupiah, hotel tax of IDR 3.1 billion, zero rupiah billboard tax and restaurant tax of IDR 1.4 billion.

Meanwhile, the regional tax contribution from Ancol in 2022 consists of an entertainment tax of Rp. 78.1 billion, PBB-P2 Rp. 59 billion, hotel tax of Rp. 3.6 billion, billboard tax of Rp. 505.9 million and restaurant tax of Rp. 2.3 billion.

This year, Ancol targets to be able to contribute to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the amount of Rp. 185.5 billion, including dividends of Rp. 16.4 billion. The dividend amount is still waiting for the approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

For the projected contribution of regional taxes from Ancol in 2023, it consists of entertainment taxes of Rp. 83 billion, PBB-P2 Rp. 75.5 billion, hotel taxes of Rp. 5.3 billion, billboard taxes of Rp. 3.3 billion and restaurant taxes of Rp. 2.6 billion.

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