SERANG - Indomaret on Jalan Raya Cikande Rangkasbitung, Kareo Village, Jawilan District, Serang Regency, was visited by a group of robbers armed with machetes, Wednesday night, January 18. The perpetrators totaled 4 people managed to steal cash and a number of merchandise estimated at Rp. 20 million.

The Head of the Jawilan Police, IPTU Dirga Abriawan, explained that the robbery took place at around 22.00 WIB. Before the incident occurred, the victims who were shop employees were Yani (26), Fahruroji (22) and Noviyanti (20) were carrying out their duties.

"At that time, a minimarket of 4 men came using 2 motorbikes that were still wearing helmets and masks, then the perpetrators entered the shop. When the perpetrator entered the shop, 3 of them immediately took out machetes and pointed them at the three victims," explained Dirga when confirmed, Thursday, January 19.

Furthermore, Dirga added that the perpetrator threatened not to fight back and ordered the victim to squat down, then the perpetrator drained the money in the cashier's drawer.

"The victim was also forced to enter the warehouse where the goods and safes were stored. After that, the perpetrator ordered the victim to open the safe and drain the money," continued Dirga.

Dirga also explained that after getting the money, the perpetrator threatened the victims to stay in the warehouse. After that, the perpetrator locked the warehouse door from outside and then fled.

Knowing that the perpetrators were no longer in the shop, one of the victims contacted the minimarket manager to report to the Jawilan Police that a robbery had taken place and the employees were locked in the warehouse.

"Mendapat laporan tersebut dengan segera Polsek Jawilan mendatangi lokasi, ketiga karyawan yang diasung berhasil dikeluarkan. ungkap Dirga.

This violent theft case is handled by personnel from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jawilan Police and the Serang Police Satreskrim.

"We are still investigating the identity of the perpetrator and we hope this robbery case can be revealed soon," concluded Dirga.

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