JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria, admitted that he and DKI Governor Anies Baswedan received a call from the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan because of the increasing COVID-19 cases in DKI.

In the last week, Jakarta has recorded a high number of new cases. From 23 to 29 December, there were 1,954 new cases, 1,933 cases, 2,096 cases, 2,058 cases, 1,678 cases, 2,056 cases, and 2,056 cases, respectively.

"Indeed, this is our challenge and should not be taken lightly. This morning Pak Luhut called me, called the Governor, we discussed," said Riza at the City Hall, Tuesday, December 29.

As the person appointed by President Jokowi to lead the handling of COVID-19 in priority provinces, Luhut reminded Anies and Riza to tighten discipline on health protocols to the public.

Then, said Riza, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has followed up on what Luhut has paid attention to by tightening the mobility of the community during this year's end of holidays.

"We ask the public to be at home, not to leave the house, let alone go on vacation to the area. Then for business actors and tourist attractions we ask to close, they cannot celebrate New Year's activities," explained Riza.

In addition, Riza said it was possible that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government would pull the emergency brake or tighten the PSBB policy when positive cases of COVID-19 increased after the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays.

However, the decision regarding the emergency brake policy will only be made after the end of the year holiday period is completed.

"In response to the increase in Covid-19, we will continue to share policies, we will see in the next few days after January 3, 2021, whether it is possible that the Governor will have an emergency brake or something else we will see," said Riza.

So far, one of the factors causing positive cases to jump is because people choose to spend their vacation time out of town.

"So the best place as the Governor has often said is to stay at home and enjoy being with our family," said Riza.

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