JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has stopped investigating reports of alleged giving of envelopes from the former Head of the Propam Polri Division, Ferdy Sambo, to employees of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). This step was taken because no evidence was found.

"(We, red) did not find any data and information that supports the alleged crime," said the Head of KPK Reporting Section, Ali Fikri, to journalists in Jakarta, Thursday, January 19.

Ali confirmed that since this report was submitted to the KPK, an investigation has been carried out immediately. Clarification of LPSK employees has also been carried out.

However, the employee could not prove the existence of the bribery attempt. "So yes, it's finished," said Ali.

"The LPSK, as the person who conveyed it, apparently also could not prove that there was an alleged receipt, right. Moreover, it only mentioned an envelope, whatever the envelope was, but the contents did not know," he continued.

Previously, the news about Ferdy giving envelopes to LPSK staff was conveyed by the Deputy Chairperson of the LPSK, Edwin Partogi. He said one of his members was given two brown envelopes after meeting the former Head of the Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on Wednesday, July 13.

At that time two LPSK officers met with Sambo at the Head of the Propam Division Office. According to him, the meeting was related to a request for protection for Ferdy Sambo's wife after the murder of Brigadier Yosua Nopriansyah Hutabarat or Brigadier J was revealed.

Regarding this incident, the Law Enforcement and Justice Advocate Team (TAMPAK) reported the alleged giving of money by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to LPSK officers to the KPK on Tuesday, August 15.

When reporting, TAMPAK brought evidence in the form of news clippings from online media. From there, this union of advocates believes that there have been attempts to bribe a number of parties.

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