JAKARTA - The police have named Gisella Anastasia alias Gisel and a man with the initials MYD as suspects in a nasty video case. But the question arises regarding the true identity of MYD.

Then who is MYD really. Information compiled, MYD is Michael Yokunobu Defretes. Based on the search, Michael came from Medan. The city that Gisel admits is the making of nasty videos. Now he lives in Kakogawa, Hyogo, Japan.

Confirmed about the information, the Head of Sub-Directorate of Cyber Crime, Special Crime Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Dani Aryandi confirmed it.

"Yes (that's the real name of the initials MYD, red)," said Dani when confirmed, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 29.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus did not want to specify who MYD really was. In time all will be revealed.

"I have told you that these two people have acknowledged," said Yusri at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, December 29.

When emphasized again, Yusri was still reluctant to speak up. He said, the most important thing was that they both admitted to being actors in pornographic videos that were spread on social media.

"So the two of them are one of GA's sisters and the male is MYD," said Yusri.

In this case, Gisel was charged with layered articles with the threat of a criminal sentence of 12 years in prison. Investigators use Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 and or Article 8 of Law 44 of 2008 concerning pornography.

"(With threats) At least 6 months and a maximum of 12 years in prison," said Yusri.

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